Sunday, June 28, 2009

T22 - The Ugly Club - Swim/Bike Brick (Stationary)


My schedule has been very weird lately. I tend to do work all day, maybe do some training, then stay up and do work until 2 a.m. Miami time aside. Waking up at 11, going to bed at 3. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing or not, as I've been very productive, but it leads to workouts like this one, with me heading out to GHFC at 10 p.m. And let me tell you, there are no good looking people at the gym on Saturday night late. I had the opportunity to walk around a little, and it was like being at Curves or something. I think all the people who are too fat to get dates, and too self conscious to workout with other people around go late night on Saturday. And me, of course, I'm just a weirdo.

Swim: warmup: 400 continuous. last 50 in each 100 is kick
main: 8 x 100 EBEH

2 Lipodrene
48 hours off and I hit the pool with a vengeance. I think I timed my ephedra just right, but I went pretty strong during the warmup. Each EBEH was also solid, as I was not dogging it at all on the "easy' laps. I also put out full effort on all 8 final laps. Nothing bad to say about the swim. I think time off just does me well.

Bike: 45 minutes (Stationary bike)
Yeah, this was another thing I did a little too much last cycle, doing the stationary bike instead of the trainer or going on the road. Again, the whole no motivation thing really hits the bike the hardest, especially when you can use the iPod and watch TV on the stationary. At any rate, it's recovery week and I hadn't used the stationary once yet, and I really didn't feel like setting up the trainer after I got home.

I changed over and walked by a couple of solid 4s engaged in deep conversation on my way upstairs at GHFC. This must have been the social highlight of their night. I put on the iPod and did 45 minutes on the stationary bike, which was not terribly challenging. It still makes you sweat a lot, though. I walked back downstairs to shower and the 4s were still talking, still not working out. Definitely their social highlight.

I'm going to try to keep the stationary bike workouts to a bare minimum this cycle, but if there was even an appropriate spot, this was it. That, and I was supposed to meet up with this girl after my workout, so unlike the rest of the people in there I had social plans that extended past a conversation on the staircase.

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