Monday, July 6, 2009

T30 - Score one For The Drafters - Swim/Bike


I had wanted to wait until a little later to get started today, but after being awoken by a series of text messages about Tim Tebow being made into a turtle and the idiot staff at the Alligator, my Dad came in wanting to know if I was swimming before we left for the Giants-Marlins game in San Francisco today.

"Yeah,' I told him

"Well, go now. Because I need the card for the girls' swimming lessons at noon." Fucking kids. Fucking up my workouts again. So I crawled out of bed, had a bagel, took some lipodrene and got my swimming shit together. Half an hour after waking up I was in the pool. Not cool, Bob.

wu: 5 x 75
main: 2 x 1000, both are RPE 4

2 Lipodrene
I am definitely going to miss outdoor swimming. It is a much nicer environment than the pool at GHFC, especialy in the warm sun like we have here in NorCal. At any rate, my Dad dropped my off at Rio Del Oro, and really nothing notable about this swim other than the warmup really helping the main part a lot. I think unless I have a seriosu time constraint, I am making a point to do it every time, because it helps your stroke so much. All the soreness is gone by lap 4 of th main swim, so you just go. And I felt like i was going faster on the second 1000 than the first.

I also kept feeling a little acid reflux again, as the molasses cookie I had as the other half of my breakfast kept burninig up my throat. I'm not sure if this is the lipodrene or just a reaction the the food I've been eating here. I'm thinking this wil go away on its own, so I"m not too concerned.

Bike: 90 Minutes

I walked home from Rio Del Oro, meaning I was officially going to be done training too late to take advantage of a free lunch with my dad and my brother. You know I'm serious about something when I'm passing up a free lunch. I did have a Power Bar in between though, almost as good. I changed the tire from yesterday, which is getting easier and easier, pumped it up, and hit the road. Probablt like 40 minutes from swim end to bike start. So I can't call it a brick.

I hit the AR trail at an easy pace, as the card had suggested, until this fucker starts drafting behind me. I will reiterate: I FUCKING HATE STRANGERS WHO DRAFT BEHIND ME!. I'm not here to make your workout easier, motherfucker. If you don't have any friends who will ride with you, don't use me to take your fucking wind. This isn't the fuckign Tour De France and we're not on Team USPS, so get the fuck off me. I don't know you, I'm not taking your wind. So, like last time some asshole decided I should take his wind resistance for him, I went balls to the wall, figuring I could lose him.

My dad's bike doesn't have aero bar, so it's harder to really get into position and hammer away. NOr does it have a speedometer. But I pushed it. I mean I was flying past people for about 3 miles. But every time I looked back, that fucker was still there. I didn't take any water and started breathing hard, fucker wouldn't go away. After abou six miles I decided I needed water so I slowed for a second as I stopped pedaling, and this fucker goes by me. Fine. I'll concede defeat if it makes my ride easier. This is the nice part about being the least-competitive person on the planet.

But this asshole just glided past me, probably because he'd been drafting for six miles. So he had nice fresh legs to conitinure his ride, and I was a little tired. Basically, this fucker used me to start his ride at a good clip, hen probably crushed the rest of it. Basically, I got pimped. I fucking hate drafters.

As a result, the ride was not fantastic. The next hour went ok, as i stopped at the hatchery for a gel and to turn around, but at about the 1:10 mark my back just started killling me. I mean, it was the worst it's hurt on a ride in a long time. I didn't stop (which may be why it hurt so much) but I realized that 2 days in a row and that extra effort I put in trying to lose the drafter probably didn't help. I'm gonna see how I feel tomorrow since it's scheduled to be a 2 hour bike ride followed by an hour run. I may switch it around with a long run or run-swim or something if my back isn't 100 percent. I'm not tying to wear it out, and this is a 14.5 hour week.

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