Monday, June 22, 2009

T18 - Recovery, My Ass! - Swim/Run Brick


So today was supposed to be the first day of "Recovery" week, where you do easier workouts to let your body recover a little before heading into the next phase of training. This last month had been the "prep" phase, meaning it was just sort of a month-long warmup. So you see this thing isn't gonna be easy. Anyway, as I look at the cars I see they literally took the exact same card from week 20 and used it here. NO matter, training is training.

Swim: 1x1500

2 Lipodrene
I didn't even bother with a warmup today. I had to make a phone call for my final project at 6, and like an idiot didn't remember this until I showed up at the gym at 3:30. So I just went in and started, skipping the 800 meter warmup. I noticed this as my stroke didn't really get going until about lat 13 or 14, where of course I lost count. The second half of the swim went well, but I definitely need to warm up for stuff like this. I think scheduling things too close to my workouts hampers them, because all I can think about it getting done. The lesson learned today was leave an hour of buffer time minimum.

Run: 45 minutes, easy pace

I opted to do the run from GHFC up NW 8th Ave. to the top of the hill at about 22nd Street. Well, not only was it insanely hot today (I saw one thermometer that said 104), but I realized that run has a stretch of about a mile and a half with no shade. So as such I felt great until I got to that, then just fucking wilted and hobbled my way back. I stopped midway, not even going up the hill, and had a gel. Then turned back around. As it was the run still took me 50 minutes, funny since it had take n45 WITH the hill on T1. SO, I guess running in 104 degree heat kinda makes your runs harder. I'm not going to stop running in the heat, and on short runs like this I'm not overly concerned about them not being that good, and using them to get used to heat. The longer ones, I may do at night or at least use cloud cover.

But seriously, THIS is recovery? Running 4.5 miles in heat and swimming almost a mile? Good. Good to know what I'm in for. Headed to Miami tomorrow, though I'll workout here first. Hopefully things will go better for me there this time around in terms of training.

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