Sunday, June 14, 2009

T11 - I Don't Do Sprints - Swim/Bike (Trainer)


Swim: speed day
wu: 300 continuous. concentrate on form weaknesses.
main: 10 x 100 descend 1-5 and 5-10

2 Lipodrene
The guy who designed this program likes to call this "speed day," but unfortunately, speed has never been something I do (aside that one chick in Dana Point who offered it to me right after sex and I was like, sure, why not. But otherwise me and speed, of any type, do not get along). The idea here is to swim 100s at a declining pace, but the sad thing is that by the third turnaround on a 100, going that hard, I'm out of gas. So what it usually turns into is a 50 or a 75 and then 25-50 yards of dogging it. I thought maybe this one would be different, but after the first 100, when I about stopped on the last 25, I decided that 100s are just not my thing.

I did 10 100 yard swims consecutively with 10 second breaks in between. It went pretty well, but I think on my next day of 100s I'll just do Easy, Build, Easy, Hard to get some sort of training value in here. That is if that first hundred feels like this one did. I still think my lung capacity sucks for someone my size, which makes sprinting underwater tough to do. But this swim was essentially just keeping the muscles loose and burning some calories. And what's the value in that?

Bike: 55 minutes, on the trainer if possible:
wu: 10:00 at RPE 2-3
main: 4 x ( 8:00 at RPE 4-5 fast spinning,
2:00 at RPE 2)

Had a cliff bar, and another Lipodrene before setting up the trainer. I also got my new headphones in the mail this afternoon, so I was pumped to use them out on the trainer. What I failed to remember is that A) Doing a long trainer session the day after a long bike ride is hard and B) I don't do sprints. Seriously.

The little warm up thing felt fine, went about 17 mph (which is a little slow for the trainer, but it was a warm up, so whatever. I did the warm-up in the second easiest gear in the large ring, then shifted down 2 gears for the first 8-minute hard stretch. It went ok, averaging about 18, but the next one I averaged about 17, then 16, then on the 4th 8 minutes I just went down one gear as I was feeling about dead. Seriously, this is slow for the trainer, and while I certainly didn't feel like I was slacking on it, I didn't feel like I crushed it either.

Perhaps it was because it was so fucking hot out and I was sweating like a pig, or maybe my legs weren't fully recovered from the long ride the day before, but this trainer session was definitely sub-par. These quick-sprint things are not my style. I'll keep trying to do them here, but I like the prolonged efforts a little better.

Trevor also gave me some tips for keeping my back from getting sore. Leaning back at the desk is one, and I took this idea with me to a bar last night, where I sat back in my bar stool instead of hunching over the bar. Also, I may try stretching before my next ride. Something new, I know. We'll see how it goes.

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