Friday, July 17, 2009

T38 - What was the Point of This Workout Again? - Bike


Bike - 90 Minutes

2 Lipodrene
A lot of workouts, I look at them and go "Fuck. That looks tough. Oh well, I guess that's why they call it Ironman training." But an hour and a half bike ride sandwiched in between a long brick and a long run/swim day? Like, what's the point? What exactly am I getting out of 90 easy minutes on a bike? Considering there's no rest days this week, I feel this time would have been better spent recovering.

But I don't write the training cards. And until November, the Ironman is my religion and those cards are the Bible. And I'm a strict fundamentalist.

That doesn't mean I have to like it though. It wasn't especially hot when I headed out to Hawthorne, and I felt ok, maybe a little sore. I had a pretty decent ride down, and went almost the exact same pace on the way back up. A blistering 16.8. Yep, you read that right, a full mile and a half slower than the 2 hour ride I did the other day. But I was just like "Whatever, lets get this done," the entire ride. Not sure if it was a good idea or not to even have bothered with this, but whatever. I did it, so my training hours are in. But I'm either going to have to adjust my shitty attitude about workouts like this, or just skip them altogether. When the next one comes around, we shall see.

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